Friday, November 15, 2013

"Tis the season...

Not THAT season (although that is coming soon too...), I mean it's time for the Great Gingerbread Boy Escape!
If you were following along with our adventures last year, you'll remember my plea for help. This year, Myra has the same wonderful Kindergarten teacher, so now it is her turn!
Myra's Kindergarten class will be learning about maps and geography, and they need help! Ms. Baldwin has asked for some kind hearted souls to drop a postcard or note in the mail from wherever in the world you might be, so that the kids can have a real experience of places far and near.
They'll begin in a few weeks by baking a Gingerbread Boy, who escapes!! The notes and cards from friends around the globe are how the class will track the Gingerbread Boy on his path around the world, then back home again.
If you would be willing to write a little note about our escaped Gingerbread Boy and send it to Ms. Baldwin's class, please send me an email at katiedeshazer (at) gmail (dot) com and I will send you the address. Thank you!


BeckyMc said...

Does your daughter go to a charter school with initials N.S.A? Last year I photographed a Gingerbread Boy who stowed away with us on our ski trip to Idaho. My grand daughter's kindergarten class did the same thing.

Katie Deshazer said...

She actually is in public school, but it's good to hear the Gingerbread boy is making the rounds! I think it's a really fun teaching tool.