Thursday, October 7, 2010

So excited!!!

If I weren't so pregnant, I'd be jumping up and down!!  Look what UPS brought yesterday!!!
I've been saving my pennies, and after last month's frustration with my Vogue top, I decided it was time to get a real dress form.  She came from Roxy Display.  I'm fortunate in that the block that they use for their forms is very similar to my measurements.  I will have to do a little padding, and her waist is about an inch lower than mine, but otherwise, she is perfect!
For starters, I needed to add to her bustline, so I loaned her a bra I don't wear, but which fits me well.  That hot pink shows through everything.  I padded it with batting to get her to match my bust measurement.  She probably also needs an inch or two added to her butt - I've got a little more junk in my trunk than she does - but I haven't decided yet how to pad her back there.  I'll probably get around to making her a new cover and padding her out under that, but the bra will work for now, and it will be easy to adjust while I'm nursing.
Here she is modeling one of my closest (and best) fitting woven tops.  I think it's a pretty good match to the way this top fits me.
And here is the Renaissance dress that I am currently working on.  As you can see, there is still a lot of work to do...  But it fits!!


Sam Rose said...

That is really cool. You are so lucky with those measurements.

Anonymous said...

Instead of "her waist is about an inch lower than mine" I first read "her breast is about an inch lower than mine" and almost stopped reading from there. But now I still like you :)

Liesl said...

I can see why you are excited. It would be soooo handy to have a dress form! She looks perfect.

(I do note, however, that the poor dear has a collapsible shoulder. Hypermobility is such a curse!)

Anonymous said...

Very fun. You're going to love working with this. You and Amanda amaze me. Such confidence that you'll be the same size later. Each of my pregnancies changed my figure.

Beangirl said...

Jeeeeealous! For the dressform and for the fact that it matches your measurements.

auntninn said...

Congratulations on your new arrival! :) Have fun with it.

Pam said...

Congratulations! I love your dress form (I have a dress form and it actually is very very helpful!).

I can't wait to see your Renaissance dress! Wow!! You are seriously skilled....

Heather said...

oh! I'm so jealous too! You lucky, lucky girl! I'd love to have one of these. Anyhoo, I used an old pair of pantyhose to add padding to my dressform's butt. I cut the legs off, put it on the form, and slipped some batting underneath. It's not very pretty but it's an idea. LOL!

Debra Martin said...

I am so happy for you!!!
Are you going to give her a name? For the butt padding on my dress form, I used pads under the knit cover and then put thong panties over it to give the cheeks some separation.

Ann Made Studio said...

Congratulations! She will be a real asset in your sewing room :)

gwensews said...

That is just great, Katie. You'll enjoy working with your new friend.

Lilian said...

Congratulations on your purchase. You've got yourself a great little helper there!
The Renaissance dress looks stunning already.You've chosen very pretty colours. Imagine living in those days when this kind of dressing was normal...

Eugenia said...

Congratulations on your new sewing room buddy - she looks like she's going to be a fun and useful friend!

Beth said...

Are you going to give her a name?
That's a fun box to open. Christmas in October!

amber said...

I am thrilled for you! How 'bout I just jump up and down for you, eh?

Angela said...

How awesome is that!! I'm excited for you!