Saturday, June 25, 2011

Ottobre 01/2010-13 & 22

Thanks to everyone for the birthday wishes! I really had such a great day and I'm looking forward to sewing up some fun new things.

I took a little detour from the items that I had planned to sew while we waited for our belongings to follow us from Texas. They still aren't here, so I don't have my serger or coverstitcher, but Myra really needed some warm PJs. The kids sleep in the basement and it gets quite chilly at night. The problem was that all of my stash, both fabric and patterns are still on a truck in Texas.(Side note: North American Van Lines was our mover and I DO NOT recommend them. We have been getting the run around about when our stuff is coming for weeks.) Fortunately, I had brought one issue of Ottobre, and fabric shopping is great around here.
Yeah, they aren't a perfect match, but I was shopping the remnants bin and beggars can't be choosers. the patterns are both from the 01/2010 issue of Ottobre. The top is long sleeve tee #22 and the pants are #13, which I have made for her before, albeit in a much smaller size and not as jammies.
I don't have much to say about the patterns. The pants have a nice shape and fit well, although I did make Myra a larger size than she currently wears in hopes that she can wear these through the winter. I did raise the waistline a little on this version as she had some gapping the last time. The tee is your basic long sleeve tee with cuffs. I love the way that Ottobre's cuffs are shaped. Very cozy. I had plenty of fleece so I did go to the trouble of matching that dominant black area across the body and sleeves. That was probably overkill for PJs, but I knew it would drive me crazy if I didn't.
The verdict? She likes them and they keep her warm. That's pretty much all I ask of jammies. And, I have a new long sleeve tee pattern to use! Sweet.


angie.a said...

She is SUCH a cutie. Adorable jammies too!

Anonymous said...

Just wanted to say that your textile fabric roll is NOT in the mail yet. Canada Post is on strike. As soon as that's resolved, I'll mail it. You probably could have used it to trace the pattern. Glad you've figured out how to work. Frustrating without your stuff.

Joy said...

Thank goodness you brought along an emergency Ottobre!

Sorry to hear about your stuff. (My husband's thought: A letter from a lawyer would give them some extra motivation to get moving.) I was disappointed that United broke and lost some of our things, but our things were delivered on time.

gwensews said...

I would be LIVID by the incompetence of the moving company! Cute PJs for the little girl. Your white jeans are spectacular. Nothing like white jeans in the summer. Nice work! Hope you get your things soon.

Amber said...

What a terrible company! Grrr. The matching is very impressive....and for whatever reason, my kids would rather be mismatched than properly matched. Maybe I should just mismatch them from the beginning:) The PJs are darling.

Anonymous said...

I have found with my little girls that as long as the color pink is involved they don't care if it matches or not.

The Slapdash Sewist said...

I can't believe you still don't have your stuff! What a nightmare to still be "camping" in your own home. Cute PJs--I am impressed with the way you matched the pattern on the sleeves!

Dr. Fun (AKA Sister) said...

First, how insane that your furniture isn't there yet! Second, how amazing that you just go whip up clothes for people while you wait - go girl!

MushyWear said...

The pj's are adorable. I missed your birthday post, but here's wishing you a happy b-lated birthday and hoping your belonging arrive very very soon! Hang in there.