I love this pattern. I just love looking at that cute little girl on the front.

Myra got this pattern and fabric (as well as some others still to be sewn) for Christmas from my mother. Every time I spot the envelope, I want to put down whatever I'm sewing and just make this outfit. I finally did!! I have to say that initially it was the cute little jacket (view C) that drew me to this pattern, but I am now so much more in love with the romper (view A) that I am already planning the next one I'm going to make. I honestly think it is the cutest thing ever to come from my sewing machine. I also love that there is so much you can do with it in terms of embellishment. The design itself is so simple that the sky is the limit! The pattern itself calls for rick rack and eyelet lace, as well as little bits of trim tacked on, but that bib just screamed “applique me!”, so I did. Anyway, here is my interpretation of view A, and a closeup of the bib applique.

I am not entirely happy with how the eyelet came out around the bib. I didn't measure well, and so the binding shows. Ah well, live and learn. Next time it will be better. Otherwise, I love it!! The bib is lined, which is nice, and the pattern instructions call for machine stitching rather than hand stitching to close the opening for turning, which I approve of. I hate hand sewing. It is also interfaced both front and back, which I really like, since it gives it a nice uniform appearance. I did deviate from the pattern instructions in the little matter of the snap closure. Rather than using
storebought snap tape, I sewed on bias rape to which I applied snaps. This worked really well and I got exactly the spacing and size of snaps I wanted, as well as being able to use whatever color of bias tape I wanted. Hot pink snap tape is hard to come by!
Of course, I couldn't stop with just the romper, I had to have that jacket!! Mom gave us the cutest girlie buttons 'n' bows fabric that was perfect for that frilly jacket, and which I used in the applique on the front of the romper.
matchy. Here is view C and a close-up of the pocket that I added.

I'm not sure about that pocket. Leave me some comments, y'all, should I take it off? I'm not sure it really goes.
I have a few grumbles about this pattern. First of all, there is no interfacing. Yes, that's right, those buttonholes go through two layers of thin cotton, and that is all. What were they thinking?? If I make this again, I will definitely interface the self facings on the bodice front. The collar has piping, which stiffens it nicely, so that's OK. Grumble number two is that cute ruffly skirt, all trimmed with eyelet (note – None of the binding shows. I learned!). The pattern instructions tell you to make a narrow hem, stitch it down, then add the eyelet behind the hem, stitching along your initial stitching line. First of all, is that a recipe for failure, or what??? There is no way that I would be able to stitch exactly in the original stitching line without a few wiggles. Also, the hem is curved. Hello! No ease stitching?? Nope, not called for. D'oh! So, what I did was sew the eyelet on the right side, facing in at the hem stitching line, then use it to pull my hem around and press it to the back. I folded the raw edge under the eyelet binding on the wrong side and viola, the skirt is done – no swearing needed. One new technique that I learned from this pattern was applying piping. I had never done it before and was a little nervous. I have a bit of a love-hate relationship with anything that requires a zipper foot. This was no biggie. It turned out well, so I'm excited about new fun with piping now. I did use commercial piping, but I can see how easy it would be to make my own, and how fun!!
So, together -

And on my little princess!

1 comment:
That turned out seriously cute!!!
I like the pink pocket on the dress, it brings both pieces together nicely.
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