
Friday, June 1, 2012

Monthly Roundup: May 2012

May was a surprisingly productive month around here.

I made:
1) Ottobre 03/2008-7 shorts for Duncan
2) Ottobre 03/2011-6 tee for Duncan
3) Frankenpattern PJ top for Logan
4) Simplicity 2290 PJ bottoms for Logan
5) Vogue 1050 pants for me
6) Mother's Day Maxi for me
7) Stretch & Sew 200 tee for me
8) Vogue 8330 jeans for me
9) RTW Shade tee copy x2 for me
10) New Look 6723 wearable muslin for Breanna
11) Simplicity 1955 Barbie dress for Myra
12) Simplicity 8170 PJ set for Myra
13) Ottobre 06/2008-2 leggings as a gift
14) Ottobre 04/2010-2 dress as a gift (These last two have yet to be blogged.)

I had a long stretch of selfish sewing in the middle, which was really nice, but I still managed to keep up with kid sewing and got the wedding dress to the ready to cut stage. I sewed a total of 15 garments, 26.25 yards of fabric, of which 20 yards came from the stash.

The next few months will be busy ones, as I adjust to a summer schedule, and spend a lot of time working on the wedding dress. Posting and productivity may fall off a bit. I hope you stick around! The final wedding dress should be pretty amazing.

I have a few side projects that I would like to get to in June. I have a few pieces of gingham that I would like to have in my wardrobe.
I love this 70s blouse with the wide collar.
I'm also seriously mad about Tilly's gingham skirt. Good thing I have several pieces of gingham...


  1. I love your production levels - Your production level is my goal one day:) Also, great shirt - yes, please make one!! (On a side note I love the jeans as well)...

  2. Well done on the sewing productivity! I feel like I've worked hard if I make more than two things per month :-)

  3. i heart gingham too and want to make a gingham shirt this summer. :)
    your productivity level never ceases to amaze me. what did i make this month? 2 pairs of panties, a pillowcase for a not-standard-sized pillow, an apron for me and one for my mom. and half way through a dress!
