
Sunday, April 1, 2012

Monthly Roundup: March 2012

March was a busy month, but I got a lot of sewing time in, so that was pretty awesome.

This month I have made:
1) Boy Cut Briefs for Logan and Myra
2) McCalls 6203 top for me
3) Ottobre 01/2009-5 tee for Duncan
4) Ottobre 04/2011-15 tee for Myra
5) Ottobre 02/2005-20 tee for Logan
6) Vogue 8747 blouse for me
7) Jalie 2787 top for me
8) a few knitted surprises
9) Vogue 2657 vest for me
10) Simplicity 2767 dress for Myra
11) Twirler skirt for Myra
12) Ottobre 04/2004-38A leggings x7 for Myra
13) Ottobre 03/2006-14 jacket for Duncan
14) Ottobre 03/2006-12 pants for Duncan

That totals 20 sewn items and 2 knitted ones. Woo-hoo! I sewed 16 3/8 yards and 14 3/8 yards of that was from my stash. I only bought 8 yards of fabric this month, and 4 of that was for my LBD, which I plan to sew soon, so I'm definitely ahead there. Keeping track of yardage in has really helped me keep my fabric buying in check.

The most fun sewing this month was Kitschy Coo's Make it in a Metre series. I love squeezing every last centimeter out of my fabric, so this little challenge was right up my alley.
The kids all really love their shirts and underwear, in fact they barely make it out of the dryer before they get worn again.

I'm also please to be done with my Easter sewing with a week to spare. I took it a little easy this year, and only make 2 Easter outfits, instead of doing the whole family. Myra is dying to wear her purple dress and Duncan is adorable in his suit, so I'm pretty pleased with it all.

In my Wardrobe Basics plan, I made two of the items this month, the white shirt and the vest. The cardigan is sewn, but still needs buttons. I still have the khaki skirt, LBD and my addition of the trench coat. I made the mistake of saving more complicated pieces for last, and now my momentum is dragging a little. Add to that the beautiful spring weather we've had this week and my coat sewing mojo is totally gone. I do finally have a plan (sort of) for the LBD. I got some RPL gabardine recently that I am hoping to make into a skirtdress with a slim skirt. I'm sort of stuck on the pattern though. I have this mental image that I haven't been able to perfectly match to a pattern, so I will probably have to frankenpattern, which means more work, which I don't feel like doing right now.

So, what am I sewing right now? A fun, full skirted spring dress in a pink and yellow seersucker. I'm ridiculously excited about it. I think that's exactly what I needed - something I could get excited about.

1 comment:

  1. You continue to amaze me with how much you get done! Reading your recaps always reminds me that I need to focus better in my sewing room and quit letting my computer distract me :)
