
Sunday, November 14, 2010

Texas Renaissance Festival!

Yesterday we we able to go to the Texas Renaissance Festival.  We try to go every year, and it is definitely one of the things we will miss about living in Texas.  This is the first year that I have made all of our costumes.
I've posted about the costumes individually , but I'll link them here for the Google searchers.  I'm wearing McCalls 6141, altered for maternity.  It's still is a great fit at 33 weeks!
Logan is sporting McCalls 5500 on top and Burda 9671 on the bottom.  The applique is a dragon, roughly based on an online coloring page.  He got tons of compliments on his cool dragon!  The pants get worn constantly.  They fit him well and he likes them.  The tunic is a little big, but he's comfortable in it.
Mitch is wearing a heavily altered McCalls 4530 on top, and Simplicity 4378 on bottom.  The pants are a TNT for him.  He loves his tunic, and I am so happy to have finally managed a Ren Fest outfit for him that is comfortable and looks good.
My little princess's gown is based on Butterick 4910.  She loves it, and passers-by universally found her adorable.

We had a great time at the Faire! We watched belly dancers, jousters and sword fights, enjoyed all of the interesting costumes, and ate way too much faire food.  But the coolest part?
The elephant ride!!


  1. So cute!! Great picture! Glad you had a fantastic time at the Ren Fair!

  2. How cute!! You guys all look great!

  3. Wonderful costumes! You all look great. It looks like a great day....especially the elephant ride!! Wow!

  4. You all look fantastic! Great job! We are hoping to be able to go to the Texas Fair next year.

  5. Looks like you had a blast! And everyone looks adorable!

  6. I've never been to a Ren Fair, but now I want to go next year so that I can make costumes for all of us to wear! Chef will have no part of the costumes, but the rest of us will have all the fun. I think there is a fair within 45 minutes of us. Not bad drive time for a Californian.

  7. I love these pictures. Looks like it was a really fun time. :)
