
Monday, March 24, 2014

Mini Penny Pinafore: Deer, and bunnies and gnomes, oh my!

I bought this fabric in the fall, thinking the colors would make a nice autumn look. Ahem. Or spring...
Of course, I bought it fully intending to flagrantly copy the Mini Penny Pinafore cover look, as modeled by the lovely Maia.
I ended up making mine a little different though. The main thing is the short sleeve. Since we are in fact, slowly defrosting here in Utah, I decided she'd probably not be wearing her long sleeve dresses much longer, so short was the way to go. I just hemmed the sleeve, rather than banding it, since the length was dictated by how much fabric I had left.
Since I was doing a short sleeve, I had enough of the center panel fabric to do these sleeves to match it, rather than matching the sleeve to the side panel.
I used the side panel fabric for the neckband though. This Lillestof cotton-lycra jersey has such good recovery, it really is great for neckbands. I added a little bunny ribbon tag to the back neckline, to make dressing easier. I think the cheeky little bunny is Myra's favorite part.
I had just enough fabric left to make Myra a pair of undershorts for modesty purposes. The playground can be a treacherous place.
I love how nicely this pattern fits Myra, both front and back. And it's so cute!
Perfect for playtime.


  1. Love it as always. I'm sure Myra doesn't mind that it's now a "spring" dress. ;)

  2. Perfect for anytime! Such a cute piece of fabric.

  3. That fabric is fab, and the dress is just gorgeous. Lucky Myra (and her Barbies too!)

  4. Gorgeous work and Myra looks great and happy and comfy in her new dress. TFS!

  5. Thanks! I just love these crazy, kitschy prints. They're so fun!

  6. I started doing that with all her dresses last summer. Definitely the way to go! Except when she wants to wear them by themselves...

  7. Thanks! She'd not quite that fashion advanced to be picky about browns for spring. Not yet...
