
Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Monthly Roundup: September 2013

September had a few really fun sewing moments and I got a reasonable amount accomplished, although there are a few pieces yet to blog about.

I sewed:
1) imagine gnats Bess top shirred version for me
2) LouBee Bimaa sweater for Myra
3) Goodnight Sweetheart PJs for Logan
4) Ottobre 03/2013-17 dress for Myra
5) Butterick 7238 dress for me
6) Ottobre 06/2012-13 pants for Logan
7) Kitschy Coo Reversible Zippy Hoodie for Myra
8) LouBee Bimaa hoodie for Duncan
9) Ottobre 03/2013-22 jeans for Duncan

That's a total of 10 garments, and 22.8 yards sewn up (including muslins). I have started a gradual stash clean out, and also donated 83.5 yards out of my stash. On the other side of the tally, a friend of mine cleaned out her mom's attic, and brought me 3 garbage bags worth of fabric (!!!), in addition to several purchase I made, so I added 83.4 yards to the stash. For the month, that totals up to 83.4 in and 106.25 out. For the year, that puts me at 275.7 in and 265.25 out. I'm only 10 yards positive and I'm not done purging so, yay! I sewed up a vintage pattern and quite a few indies as well. Poor burda is still getting the shaft, but I've got some upcoming plans...
Next month should be pretty fun. The weather has finally started to change, and the mountains are capped with snow. My kids all need some new gear, particularly Myra and Duncan. I'm planning a for real coat for Myra. Her hoodie is cozy, but it's not going to be enough for the snow. I've got some fun wool and we've picked out a pattern together, so that one is high on my agenda. She also needs leggings and pants. She's starting to branch out from her all dresses all the time method of dressing, and her one pair of RTW jeans is getting heavy rotation. Duncan could also use a few pair of pants and some long sleeve casual shirts.
I'm really looking forward to sewing for Red October with some Twitter buddies. Although I probably won't get to both items IN October, I have both a red ponte blazer and a red camel hair coat on the books for this winter. I'm really looking forward to sewing and wearing them both.
Of course, it wouldn't be October without Halloween sewing! Logan went for a storebought costume this year, but Myra wants to be Trixie Lulamoon from My Little Pony. I have some ideas for how to make that happen. I'm totally in the dark for Duncan. He doesn't talk yet, so he can't express a preference. I just have to decide make or buy, and what. I'm on the fence. I like making my kids' costumes, but I'm kinda swamped with things to do this month. We'll see how it plays out.

1 comment:

  1. Congrats on the stash purge! Even though almost the same amount came in I assume you refilled the stash with fabrics that you love more than what went out, so overall the stash is improved (but not lessened)


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