
Tuesday, February 16, 2010

My Nemesis...

It looks so innocent and puffy and cute, but don't believe it!  It had to be set (dum, dum, dum) in the round.  I don't know why I have such a mental block about setting sleeves in the round.  I will do ANYTHING to avoid it.  Raglan sleeves, kimono sleeves, set in flat - bring it on!  But one fluffy puffed set-in-the-round sleeve and I go from Super Sewist to a quivering pile of insecurity.  Why??  I honestly have no idea!  I have set in many sleeves - from puffy to eased.  I like to think that they generally come out looking quite nicely, but I will do anything to avoid this!!  In fact, the sleeve above is only the first of the set.  In writing this post, I'm avoiding the second.  It's staring at me from the ironing board across the room.  I can hear it chuckling softly to itself.

So, fellow sewists, do you have a sewing nemesis?  Some technique or skill that makes you fear?  Share and help me feel better about my sleeve phobia!


  1. Mine is interfacing, getting it to fuse properly and stay fused properly.... some things are just best to spend good money on and I think if I want to say goodbye to this nemesis I'd best start opening my wallet on some really good quality stuff.

  2. Invisible Zippers. But I'm going to take a class being offered this summer so I can get this one licked.

  3. Mine used to be fly front zippers, but I masterfully conquered that fear by ONLY doing the Sandra Betzina/Power Sewing method, which works perfectly every time. However, if I have to do some other kind of fly front application then... I don't.

  4. Feel empowered. You've set one sleeve beautifully. The other is a cinch! My nemesis is the welt pocket.

  5. Welt pockets. Never successfully done one. They are most definitely my nemesis.

  6. We have set-in sleeves in common, but I also loathe doing buttonholes. I have a shirt waiting for those right now...

  7. Nemesis? Buttonholes.
    There is a cure , though:
    Just tell yourself you can do it and that it will end up being beautifully done (whatever IT happens to be)!

  8. Drafting sleeves. I never get it right first time. Or second. Or third.

  9. That sleeve looks so cute and very well done. I bet the next one will go like a breeze!

  10. Overcome your nemesis, then a new one will appear (evil laugh). It will make you an even more super seamstress.

  11. Zippers still give me fits, but I'm trying to work through it. ;)

    You can do it! You can do it!

  12. distributing gathers evenly! impossible.
