
Sunday, January 24, 2016

Mermaids and Whales! And the latest Ottobre

Whenever I get a new issue of Ottobre, Myra is the first to peruse it and make requests. Usually, I make a mental note of which styles she likes and either promptly forget, or get to it much later, when she actually has a wardrobe need.
This time, my happy, twirly girl got the dress she asked for. And bonus leggings! Because snow.
The dress is #18 from the 01/2016 issue of Ottobre. It's a fairly basic style. It features has a slightly raised waistline, long raglan sleeves and a gathered skirt. Not super full, so it's economical of fabric. The neckline is bound, which I did with my coverstitch machine.
Despite being fairly sparing of fabric, the skirt is slightly flared, so it twirls nicely. The leggings pattern is from the same issue of Ottobre (view #15), and is a simple one-piece leggings pattern. No bells or whistles, but a useful basic. Myra declares that the outfit is so comfy that she could wear it as PJs. But she won't because it's too cute.
The fabric is by Lillestoff, and I bought it at Kitschy Coo. It's very soft, but also sturdy and warm, so it's perfect for a winter outfit.
Lately I've been feeling the need to embellish everything I make for Myra. She likes bling. So the mermaid at the center front of her bodice got some sparkle on her shells and at her waistline. Those 2mm rhinestuds are made for doll clothing, so they're tiny but I think they're the perfect little adornment for Myra. She loves the sparkly mermaid.
My sassy little girl is growing up way too fast, but I'm glad she still loves a twirly dress with mermaids.


  1. super cute outfit! she really is growing up.

  2. So cute, and I love the bling! :) funny, it just occurred to me, when I first started reading your blog you were pregnant with Myra... Time sure flies. ;)

  3. She has good taste! Her dress looks adorable!
