
Friday, October 11, 2013

Lady Skater: Sakura Blossom style

Ever since I saw Amanda's Sakura Blossom Skater peplum, I've coveted this fabric. I finally sprung for it, and less than a day after it arrived at my door, it was a dress.
A crazy fabulous dress!! Lady Skater all the things!!
This time I went with the long sleeve, since we're getting winter here in the mountains now. The fabric is from Kitschy Coo's shop, the Sakura organic cotton jersey, and it is luscious! I had 2 meters, and would have had no trouble getting the long sleeve dress from it had I not been an idiot. As it turns out, I am an idiot, but since this lovely fabric has equivalent stretch in all directions, my error was not fatal.
In fact, my skirt hangs and twirls perfectly, despite the fact that one of the panels was cut on the cross grain. Bet you can't tell which one!
Here's a hint. It's back here. Don't feel bad - I can't tell either. Awesome fabric.
It's been pretty chilly here the last few days, in fact it was 42F during my shoot, so I'm styled for the cold with a hand knit cowl, fleece lined tights and knee high boots. I'm actually perfectly comfortable. It's amazing how cozy this dress is.
I also really love the snug fit of this sleeve. Isn't it gorgeous!? As with the other sleeve lengths, it is finished with a band, which gives it a very nice, snug fit and a very clean line.
This marks my 14th Skater dress. And it won't be my last. Have you sewn up the Lady Skater yet?? Why not???


  1. The dress looks fabulous on you, Katie! I definitely have plans for more Lady Skaters. It's starting to cool down here so I'll need some 3/4 and long sleeved dresses.;)

  2. Your dress looks fabulous and I love how you have styled it. Great job and wow, 14 of them, impressive.

  3. This dress is beautiful. I NEED to get this pattern!

  4. I really need to get on it and make this dress! It is fabulous. I can't believe you've made 14 now.

  5. It is a cute print. That's a lot of skater dresses. Probably one I should check out.

  6. You know, I haven't really calculated the shipping per piece, but Amanda refunds VAT for non-UK purchases and any overage on shipping, so you only pay her cost. For my last order (which was 3 meters) the shipping was 12 pounds 60, so not too crazy, but not exactly inexpensive. Her fabrics are definitely a splurge for me, but I've never regretted buying them. They are really amazing quality. Shipping times are pretty variable. This last package arrived in less than a week, but it has taken as much as three weeks from the time she ships. Definitely less time over all than things I've had shipped from Thailand or China!

  7. It usually takes around 10 days or less for me to get my order, and shipping is calculated when you check out, and then I usually get a shipping refund for overage paid after it ships.

  8. Thanks for sharing your experience, Holly!

  9. Fantastic dress-- I think this is my favorite rendition of this dress -- and great boots!

  10. I got the pattern a couple of weeks ago, and one of these days I will have inspiration, maybe in one of the fabrics I ordered a couple of days ago. That is a great fabric!

  11. Beautiful Katie! I love that fabric and yes I don't notice the cross cut panel at all. Good think it's not a directional print. :)

  12. Wow! 14 skater dresses! Good on you, it's amazing!

  13. For real! I'd have been screwed if it had been directional. It was my own stupid though - I had to cut the back skirt with a CB seam, and I accidentally cut two rights. Anybody need a right side Skater skirt size 3?? :P

  14. Gorgeous, Katie! I've made two Lady Skaters and 2 little girl skaters! Great patterns.

  15. Oh Katie - I love this dress! I say Lady Skater Fridays from now on! I'm hoping to make a long sleeve striped version this weekend. Need to redraw my skirt pieces, first. This is fabulous on you. g

  16. Love it! It's a happy print for those grey winter days!

    I love it when you can eke something out because the cross-grain isn't terribly different in print/stretch/nap! Good save!

  17. 14! Wow I'm impressed! It looks lovely. I've been drooling over that fabric since she showed it too!

  18. Very pretty. I'm glad you mentioned that you've made 14 skater dresses so far. I've only done 3 and had plans for more when I wondered if it might seem obsessive to make too many of the same dress. So long as I'm not the only one making multiples I think it's ok though.

  19. Love it! I can't believe you've made 14!!

  20. This is lovely! Not surprisingly, I have a couple of these in my closet myself. :)

  21. This looks really great. I especially love your twirly photo. I love the cut of this dress and your beautiful fabric. I can see why you've made so many of them! I'll have to add this pattern to my list. I'll be working on a post on everyday dresses and this is definitely one to mention. Would you mind if I used one of your lovely photos in this post? Let me know!

  22. Thank you! I don't mind at all, in fact I'm honored! Thanks for thinking of me!

  23. Excellent. Really love this dress on you. =)

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