
Saturday, October 20, 2012

Daisy Duck costume

Our sweet Donald needed his Daisy, and Myra (for once) was happy to oblige.
Daisy's costume was even simpler than Donald's. I let Myra choose the fabric for her blouse, and she picked a poly-rayon gabardine from my stash. It was a pretty small piece, and apparently had been used by someone else to make binding, as there was a giant bias slash through the middle of the yardage. I worked around it, but there was just enough. We did have a brief hairy moment when Myra insisted that Daisy wear a skirt, which wasn't a possibility since I had already cut the blouse and there was just shreds of fabric left.
After perusing some pictures of Daisy online, Myra was convinced that there was no skirt. That's so silly!!
Myra's duck pants are the same as Logan's (although a couple sizes smaller). I sewed them at the same time, and somehow managed to switch them around, so Myra's pants actually were made with the lengths of elastic I should have used for Logan's. It didn't make a huge difference, but her bloomers are gathered a little bit less and her waistline is a little loose. The blouse is the Summer Blouse for Girls by Lily Bird Studios. I've made it before here, so it was already traced in her size. I omitted the ruffle collar and gathered the sleeves just at the cap to give them more upward pouf. Hopefully, she can still wear the blouse after Halloween. I love dual duty costumes!
Once she was all decked out, she had to practice her Hot Dog dance. I had to wrestle the costume off her, so I think it's a win.


  1. Those are great costumes! Those crazy pants really work for Donald and Daisy Duck! I like Myra's purple glitter shoes too!

  2. Another costume bonus: Adorable purple shoes, which I'm sure will be a great favorite of Myra's!
