
Saturday, December 5, 2009

Simplicity 4378 - take 2

I really, really wanted Mitch to be able to wear his scrubs on call last night, and by the expedient of sewing in every single spare minute, I managed it.  Fortunately I had my sewing group, so I was able to finish up the pants without small fry underfoot.  That was great!

Look, he's smiling!  He tried them on for me last night and raved about the fit, the pockets, the neckline - everything.  He loves them!  Whew!  As you can see, we toned down the color a bit, which should help prevent him from being mistaken for the nurse, which actually was a problem with the darker blue.  This pale blue is a much more traditional color for doctors.
I made a few other changes, both to improve fit and the overall look and functionality.  I added a bit to the side seams of the pants.  As I mentioned when I made the last pair, they were a bit snug in the thigh.   I think that this is a combination of Mitch's runner's legs and the fact that this is a "unisex" pattern, which always seems to mean "drafted for women, with men as an afterthought".  This was also a problem in the shoulders.  Mitch has quite broad shoulders in the back (from swimming), but the top fit elsewhere, so I added an ease pleat to the back shoulder.

He likes it.  The fit is much better and he has much better movement.  That took care of the fit issues.  Look and functionality were the next problems to tackle.  Mitch wasn't a fan of the low-cut neckline, but I was afraid if I raised it too much he wouldn't be able to get it over his head.  I decided to sew up a muslin with the neckline where he requested it and see.  I also tested out my ease pleats on the muslin.  What do you know - he was right!  It fits great with the neckline a full inch higher.  I also tossed out those horrible neckline facings in favor of a mitered, bound neckline, which is what you see in higher end RTW scrubs.

Nice, eh?  For a first attempt at mitering an inside corner, I think it came out pretty well!  You can also see the breast pocket, which I divided (by sewing a straight line - he he), to allow for a separate pen/caliper pocket.  Mitch loves that!

Well, I am really happy with how these came out.  Mitch seems to be as well, although the true test will be when he gets home later today, after living in them for 30 hours or so.


  1. He'll be wanting more scrubs from you. Now I wonder if the hospital he works in has a color code. Nice sewing!

  2. That's terrific, now you have a TNT pattern for him. The front neckline is impeccable.

  3. I'm being VERY careful not to ever mention to my dad that it's actually possible to make scrubs, because he's the kind of person who would suddenly decide that he hates his (which he does) and wants some snazzy custom-made scrubs like this. No way! When my husband starts needing new scrubs, I'll have to reconsider (but he's not picky and something of a schlump, so I think store-bought should do juuuuust fine).

    These look really great... although to my mind now the fun part's done and you'll have to go into production mode. Not my own strong suit! Of course, you get way more done than a normal person. LOL

  4. I switched over to using firefox today just so I could leave a comment. :-) I really think these are close to the perfect scrubs. I would not be surprised if you started getting requests from Mitch's fellow doctors asking for you to make them scrubs. Or maybe they will just have to find Mormon wives of their own. ;-) Well done!

  5. This is so fun to read about! Thanks for posting - it's fun to get back from my work trip to Monterey and read this! In two years, after six pairs of scrubs or so, you may be relenting that you have perfected the scrubs:) That seems to be happening to me with boxers.

  6. Can you explain how you did the neckline? I make scrubs frequently, and I would love to get away from the facings!

  7. My only complaint now is that I only have one pair...
    Seriously, I have already fended off requests from 3 other doctors, all of whom were willing to pay.
    Katie, you are fantastic!

  8. What a professional looking job!!!

  9. How sweet that Mitch has left the nice comment above mine!!!
    What a nice wife to make scrubs for her husband. The mother of one of the students from school has asked me about making scrub tops. She is a nurse and rather tall. She said she hates the tops because they are never long enough. (I don't wear scrubs, but I can surely relate to having tops that are too short!! Actually, she and I are probably about the same height.) She works in the peds unit, so she gets to wear some cute ones!
    I bought a scrubs pattern a year or so ago planning to make a top for a friend who works in a dental office. She is a big Harley Davidson fan and I was going to make scrubs with a Harley fan. I then learned that her office was real strict about the scrubs. They have to wear certain colors on certain days and cannot have embellishments. I wouldn't like that!
    Scrubs have come a long way in the past 10 years or so!
    What is Mitch's specialty?

  10. The scrubs look great, the mitred neckline looks very neat.
