
Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Sewing Summit 2012!!

I just registered! Will I see you there???
ETA: (7PM) I just found out that Sewing Summit 2012 is already sold out! Wowsa! There are some excited sewists out there!


  1. Oh, I wish.. BUt we'll be having our own little sewing summit in Europe as well - at almost the same time. A bunch of us are making a PatternReview Week-end in Barcelona in October..

  2. It's too far away for me, but I'll be looking forward to hearing all about it from you!

  3. Sounds like a wonderful conference and I'm eager to hear more. Hope it's wonderfully successful and expands to other areas of the country.

  4. I wish!
    You moved to the right city at the right time for this conference.
    Hope you got the early bird discount.

  5. I'll be there! There are so many Katies going, we could start our own club!
